Came across this interesting sql question on oracle-l list while I was searching for something else.
The poster's original question is as below..
create table t(id number);
insert into t values(1);
insert into t values(2);
I want to query this with an Id set. All values in the set should be
there to return me any row.
select * from t where id in (1,2); return 1 and 2
If am serching for 1,2,3 if any one value is missing I should not get any data.
select * from t where id in (1,2,3) should not return any row.
How to rewrite the above query with (1,2,3) that should not return me any row.
Here is my solution for that...
1 With inputstr as
2 ( select '&inp' elements from dual),
3 setdata
4 as
5 (
6 select
7 trim( substr (txt,
8 instr (txt, ',', 1, level ) + 1,
9 instr (txt, ',', 1, level+1)
10 - instr (txt, ',', 1, level) -1 ) )
11 as token
12 from (select ','||elements||',' txt
13 from inputstr ) t,inputstr i
14 connect by level <=
15 length(i.elements)-length(replace(i.elements,',',''))+1
16 )
17 select token from
18 (
19 select
20 to_number(token) token,
21 nvl2(,1,0) present,
22 min(nvl2(,1,0)) over() min_over_report
23 from setdata s, t
24 where
25 )
26* where min_over_report=1
--------ccD>select * from t; -- this is what the table containsID
ccD> get the above sql into bufferccD>/
Enter value for inp: 1,2 -- input is 1,2 and it retrives two rowsTOKEN
Enter value for inp: 1,2,3 -- 1,2,3 retrives no rows because 3 is not presentno rows selectedccD>/
Enter value for inp: 1,2,3,4 -- same with 1,2,3,4no rows selectedccD>/
Enter value for inp: 1 -- input 1 retrives one rowTOKEN